

  • 姓名:魏华
  • 职称:教授
  • 职务:山东大学多元文化互鉴研究中心主任
  • 邮箱:hannawei@sdu.edu.cn




1.独著:a dialogical concept of minority rights(少数人权利的对话性审视), brill, 2016

2.独著:sociocultural otherness and minority justice(社会文化异质性与群体正义), springer, 2022

3.独著:cultural legitimacy in sino-western dialogue on minority rights(中西少数人权利对话中的文化正当性), routledge, 2024 (forthcoming)

4.译著:《贪婪已死:个人主义之后的政治》(greed is dead: politics after individualism, 保罗·科利尔、约翰·凯 著),理想国译丛,上海三联书店,2022

5.译著:《自由的界限》(the limits of liberty: between anarchy and leviathan, 詹姆斯·布坎南 著),商务印书馆,2024(forthcoming)

6.论文:《从少数人权利视角看“多元文化主义”的衰落》,《人权研究》,第18卷, 2017,pp.167-188

7.论文:《欧洲人权法院对艺术表达自由的规制——以争议艺术判例为切入点》,《法学论坛》, 2016年第4期


professor hanna h. wei

current positions:

director, institute for cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, shandong university, china;

professor, qingdao institute of humanities and social sciences, shandong university, china.


research interests: legal and political philosophy of human and minority rights; multiculturalism and intercultural dialogue.

selected publications:

1.a dialogical concept of minority rights, brill, 2016

2.sociocultural otherness and minority justice, springer, 2022

3.cultural legitimacy in sino-western dialogue on minority rights, routledge, 2024 (forthcoming)

4.chinese translation of greed is dead: politics after individualism by paul collier and john kay(2020),shanghai joint publishing company, 2022

5.chinese translation of the limits of liberty: between anarchy and leviathan by james m. buchanan (1975), the commercial press, 2024 (forthcoming)



royal institute of international affairs, uk (chatham house)

fabian society, uk

british philosophical association

books and chapters:

*专著:socio-cultural otherness and minority justice, springer, 2022

(isbn-10: ‎ 9811697515,isbn-13: ‎ 978-9811697517)

* 专著:a dialogical concept of minority rights, brill, 2016

(isbn-10: ‎ 9789004312036,isbn-13: ‎ 978-9004312036)

* 译著:《贪婪已死:个人主义之后的政治》,理想国译丛,上海三联,2022

* 译著:《自由的界限》,经济学名著译丛,商务印书馆,2023 (forthcoming)

* 章节:《中国少数人权利问题刍议》,载《比较视野下的公共纠纷解决与权利保障》,中国政法大学出版社,2015

selected articles, commissioned reviews and reports:

*《从少数人权利视角看“多元文化主义”的衰落——以欧洲对穆斯林法律政策的调整为切入点》,《人权研究》,第18, 2017

* asking the minority question in china, the journal of comparative law, vol.11 no.2, 2016, pp.214-234

*《欧洲人权法院对艺术表达自由的规制——以争议艺术判例为切入点》,《法学论坛》, 2016年第4

*《论正当反恐法律机制的创建》,《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》, 2015年第5

* a multidisciplinary examination of the concept of group rights,《中国法学(英文版)》,2015年第3

*《东海防空识别区与中国国家安全法治》,《学术交流》, 2014年第9

* lectures on legal linguistics, discourse studies, vol.20 no.5 2018

* polish vs. american courtroom discourse: inquisitorial and adversarial procedures of witness examination in criminal trials, discourse studies, vol.18 no.3, 2016

* socio-cultural construction of recognition: the discursive representation of islam and muslims in the british christian news media, information, communication & society, volume 18, issue 12, 2015

* legal-lay communication: textual travels in the law, discourse studies, vol.17 no.5, 2015

【 作者:  来源:   责任编辑:李凤轩 】


